1. Yoga Mat
1. Please have a non-skid surface like a yoga mat to practice on !
2. Wood floor beneath is preferred for balance and safety!

2. Setup Audio & Video
Please do the following setup before class to be ready!
1. Join via iPad or laptop (preferred method), phone is not recommended.
2. Simply click on the WEBEX Link for your event.
3. Please download and install the FREE Cisco WEBEX app if you don’t have one already.
4. I *will* ask you to *stay on mute* after initial introductions - please familiarize yourself with the online meeting room.

Class Interaction
Please do the following during class:
1. Choose a grid view type where there’s 1 screen large and all others lined up under it.
2. Bring the Host window up on your screen and click on the Pushpin Symbol shown in above picture (Highlighted in Bright Orange). (It says "Lock this video view on specific participant")
3. Feel free to ask questions by raising hand anytime during the class! I will then call on you and un-mute and talk!
I would like to keep session as interactive as we can !!
Looking forward to an Awesome Yoga Session together!!!